Electric Cargo Bike Range


Electric Cargo Bike Range



Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways
Range anxiety is a key concern for e-cargo bike owners but modern lithium batteries deliver plenty of juice for urban trips.
250-500Wh batteries offer around 20-50km while large 1kWh packs provide up to 100km real world range per charge.
Extenders like dual batteries, swappable batteries, and range-extending trailers can double effective range when needed.
Pedaling to assist the electric motor, proper gearing, correct tire pressure and avoiding hills extends usable range.
Plan your route to minimize stops, avoid fast acceleration, and use higher assist levels only when needed to optimize range.



Cargo bikes and trikes are revolutionizing urban deliveries and family transportation but their Achilles heel has always been limited range compared to petrol or diesel-powered vehicles. Thankfully, advances in lithium battery technology mean electric cargo bikes can now cover 50-100km per charge – ample for most urban trips.

This article looks at real-world range figures for e-cargo bikes, factors that affect range, and ways to maximize distance by selecting the right battery, riding efficiently and adding range extenders. We also give tips to prevent being caught short so you can exploit the potential of electric cargo haulers for urban mobility.

Realistic Range Expectations

Advertised maximum ranges for e-cargo bikes of 100km or more paint a rosy but often unrealistic picture. In the real world, actual distance between charges depends on:

As a general guide for real-world urban use, you can expect approximate range from e-cargo bike battery capacity as:

  • 250Wh = 20-30km
  • 500Wh = 35-50km
  • 750Wh = 50-70km
  • 1000Wh = 75-100km

So while that e-cargo bike might claim a 150km range, for urban use with hills, load, stops etc figure on 35-50% of the max claim.

Battery Size Matters

Range ultimately comes down to battery capacity. Light, compact but energy dense lithium-ion batteries have revolutionized e-bikes. Key battery specs to look for include:

  • Voltage – Typically 36V or 48V. Higher voltage means more power and torque.
  • Capacity – Measured in Watt Hours (Wh). 500-1000Wh is ideal for cargo applications to ensure adequate range.
  • Charging time – 4-6 hours is typical for a full charge. Fast 2-3 hour charging requires more expensive batteries.
  • Cycles – Look for batteries rated for at least 500 charge cycles while still retaining 80% capacity.
  • Protection – Robust casing to protect against damage, water ingress and vibration prolongs battery life.
  • Removable – Batteries that can easily be removed for charging indoors and security make sense for cargo bikes.

Range Extenders

If you need to regularly cover longer distances or tackle steeper terrain when loaded up, some range extending options can help prevent getting caught short:

Dual Batteries

Having two separate batteries essentially doubles your range. It also provides redundancy if one battery fails. Some e-cargo bikes have space to mount an extra battery pack.

Swappable Batteries

Carrying spare hot swappable battery packs in a backpack lets you quickly exchange for a fresh battery to keep riding. Make sure the batteries use the same key code.

Generator Trailer

Dedicated range extending trailers like the Carla Cargo with built-in generators effectively double your cargo and range capacity. But they add cost and handling complexity.

Electric Assist Trailer

Trailers like the eZee trailer have an electric assist motor and battery to take the load off the main cargo bike. This saves energy and extends range by up to 100%.

Range Extender Trailer

The US-made Expand allows swappable trailer batteries to double your cargo capacity and range. Batteries and solar panels can be added to customize it.

Riding Efficiently

Your riding style can have a huge impact on e-cargo bike range. To maximize distance between charges:

  • Pedal assist the electric motor as much as possible
  • Use lower power assist modes more
  • Shift to easy gears so pedaling is smooth
  • Ensure tires are pumped to optimum pressures
  • Plan routes to avoid steep hills and minimize stops
  • Accelerate and brake gently without sudden power demands
  • Remove unneeded accessories that add drag like lights
  • Sit upright to reduce wind resistance
  • Reduce load weight if possible
  • Check tires are rolling smoothly and spokes are tight
  • Consider your overall fitness as the fitter you are, the less power needed

Handy Range Tips

Some other pointers for squeezing out all the range possible from your e-cargo bike battery:

  • Charge the battery fully before each trip. Partial charges shorten range.
  • Store the battery indoors at moderate temperatures – heat and cold sap life.
  • Higher capacity batteries extend range but are heavier. Find the ideal balance.
  • Swappable batteries spread weight over multiple bikes but require spares.
  • For longer trips, plan your route to avoid hills and minimize stops.
  • Carry only the cargo you need – unnecessary weight cuts range.
  • Maintain the bike well so components operate efficiently.
  • Letting the battery run to zero and overheating it shortens lifespan so avoid.

Avoiding Being Stranded

Nothing is more annoying than having your e-cargo bike run out of juice leaving you stranded far from home. Some tips to avoid a powerless walk of shame include:

  • Plan routes ahead and be conservative with expected range.
  • Monitor battery display and turn back well before it hits empty.
  • Know where chargepoints are located on your regular routes.
  • Carry a lightweight folding lock to secure the bike if you need to top up.
  • Have a backup plan like a charging trailer or ready access to an Uber.
  • Use multiple smaller batteries rather than one large one to spread risk.
  • Mark your maximum real world range on the display as a do not cross point.
  • Allow a safety buffer of at least 20% remaining charge for contingencies.
  • Install a range extender like a trailer for long trips.

Key Range Factors Summary

To recap, the key factors affecting electric cargo bike range include:

  • Battery capacity – more is better. 500Wh minimum recommended.
  • Riding efficiency – pedal assist, avoid fast acceleration
  • Terrain – hills and stops sap range
  • Load – travel light as possible
  • Tire pressures – inflate tires properly
  • Bike maintenance – reduce mechanical drag
  • Rider fitness and weight
  • Extenders – dual batteries, swappable batteries, generator trailer

Follow the tips in this guide and your e-cargo bike battery will deliver ample electrons to handle urban loads and trips all day long.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the average range for an electric cargo bike?

It depends on the battery size but expect 20-30km from a 250Wh battery up to 75-100km from a large 1000Wh pack. Most fall in the 35-50km range with 500-750Wh batteries.

How can I maximize my e-cargo bike’s range?

Ride efficiently, use lower assist modes, minimize load weight, properly inflate tires, service the bike regularly, take routes with minimal stops and hills, and consider adding a range extender.

What affects the range of electric cargo bikes?

Key factors include battery capacity, rider weight and fitness, cargo load, terrain, tire pressures, drive system efficiency, riding style, wind, gradient, and number of stops in the journey.

Should I get an extra battery for more range?

Carrying a spare removable battery in a backpack essentially doubles your range. Make sure the spare matches the key code of your original battery for hot swapping.

Can a trailer extend my cargo bike range?

Yes, trailers with extra batteries, generators or even solar power can double effective range and cargo capacity. But they add cost and complexity.

Final Thoughts

While early e-cargo bikes were hobbled by limited range, the latest models using high density lithium batteries can deliver ample electrons for most urban duties. Thanks to swappable batteries, generator trailers and improved cycling efficiency, electric cargo haulers make a viable car and van alternative.

Carefully considering battery size, riding efficiently, route planning, and handling battery care allows electric front loaders, trikes and longtails to meet the needs of families, small businesses and delivery services. Approach range realistically, build in safety buffers and electric cargo bikes unlock sustainable urban mobility.