Electric Mountain Bike Riding Tips

Electric Mountain Bike Riding Tips



Key Takeaways:


Topic Tips
Climbing Use lower assist mode, shift weight back, stand periodically
Descending Brake early and control speed, drop seatpost, stay centered
Cornering Look through turns, lean bike not body, feather brakes
Obstacles Light grip on bars, knees and elbows bent, maintain momentum
Loose Surfaces Stay relaxed, keep weight centered, avoid abrupt inputs
Jumping Use terrain to boost lift, coil low and extend upwards, land both wheels together
Bike Control Lower tire pressures, straighten arms for stability, manage inputs



With an electric motor providing pedal assist, riding an eMTB calls for developing some specialized techniques compared to a traditional mountain bike. The extra weight and power output requires finesse to handle technical climbs, descents, obstacles and terrain.

Mastering proper eMTB riding form and skills allows you to maximize both control and enjoyment. You’ll need to blend fitness and proper technique to find flow on an eMTB. This guide outlines key tips to improve your riding efficiency, capability and comfort across various eMTB riding scenarios.


Conquering ascents efficiently is an area where eMTB assistance shines. But you still need proper technique:

  • Use lower assist mode – Avoid maxing the motor on long climbs. Save higher boost for short pitches.
  • Shift weight back – Centering over rear wheel improves traction and handling on steep grades.
  • Stand periodically – Alternate sitting and standing positions to use different muscles groups.
  • Pedal smoothly – Spin a steady cadence and avoid mashing big gears. Let motor do the work.
  • Use terrain – Use rolling contours to maintain momentum and limit steep power spikes.
  • Look ahead – Keep gaze focused farther up trail to pick efficient lines that minimize grade.
  • Lean into corners – Subtly shift bike under you around switchbacks to keep centered.

With the motor’s help on ascents, dial back assist and work on generating steady power and finding smooth trajectories. Let the eMTB do the hard work!


Descending on an eMTB requires adjustments to handle the extra weight and momentum.

  • Brake earlier – Increase following distance and start slowing well before obstacles and corners.
  • Control speed – Resist just pointing downhill. Modulate brakes and use terrain to control velocity.
  • Drop seatpost – Descending with saddle lowered improves center of gravity and confidence.
  • Stay centered – Keep balanced between wheels, not shifted far forward or back. Don’t fight the bike.
  • Look ahead – Focus eyes farther down trail to pick the cleanest lines and absorb terrain.
  • Use rear brake – Favor rear brake to settle bike on step descents and reduce pitching forward.
  • Loosen muscles – Stay relaxed in upper body and arms to allow bike to move under you.

Carrying more speed downhill means braking sooner andstaying off the front wheel. Let the eMTB roll and ride ready to react.


Nailing smooth cornering technique lets you carry momentum and avoid wasting energy scrubbing speed:

  • Look through the turn – Keep your eyes focused on the exit point all the way through the corner.
  • Lean the bike – Trust the tires and subtly shift bike underneath you instead of leaning your body into corners.
  • Center your weight – Keep balanced on the pedals, not shifted far forward or back around the turn.
  • Engage legs – Allow legs to act as shocks absorbing forces rather than locking arms.
  • Feather brakes – Use light modulation of brakes to settle bike through the corner rather than braking before.
  • Pedal through – Maintain consistent pedal strokes all the way around the bend to keep momentum.
  • Set up wide – Pick entrance lines that allow sweeping through the corner versus tight turn-in points.

Linking smooth arcs preserves energy and scrubs less speed. Let the tires and momentum do the work carrying you around corners.


Encountering rocks, roots, steps, and other obstacles requires active body movement and subtle bike handling:

  • Light grip – Avoid a tight, rigid grip on the bars which inhibits control. Keep hands relaxed.
  • Knees bent – With slightly bent knees and elbows you can better absorb forces when encountering objects.
  • Look ahead – Scan ahead on trail to read obstacles and pick lines. Don’t fixate on the object.
  • Maintain momentum – Carrying speed where possible lets you maneuver the bike up and over more easily.
  • Weight back – Sitting rearward lets front wheel more easily ride up and over obstacles.
  • Finesse inputs – Use small bursts of power without torqueing the bike to maintain control.
  • Pump terrain – Allow legs and arms to flex to generate lift when hitting bumps and drops.

Envision yourself as a shock absorber onboarding the bike. Manage forces with subtle body movements and bike inputs.

Loose Surfaces

Sections of loose dirt, gravel and scree require staying relaxed and keeping input smooth:

  • Focus ahead – Look where you want to go, not at the hazard directly in front of your wheel.
  • Weight centered – Avoid shifting weight far forward or back so bike sinks less.
  • Loosen muscles – Holding rigid works against you. Absorb terrain via bending joints.
  • Easy on brakes – Light braking maximizes traction. Don’t brake hard.
  • Easy on throttle – Smooth pedal strokes and lower assist settings prevent spinning out.
  • No abrupt shifts – Maintain steady speed with gradual gear changes.
  • Manage angles – Pick straight lines where possible versus turning on loose surfaces.

Trust the tires to find traction. Avoid fighting the bike or making sudden speed changes.


Using your eMTB’s momentum and terrain, you can get airborne. Follow these tips for stable jumps:

  • Use terrain – Ride up lips and transitions to generate upward lift. Don’t just muscle the bike.
  • Coil low – As the lip approaches, bend knees and crouch low on the bike to load for takeoff.
  • Extend upwards – As the bike leaves the lip, push the pedals and extend legs and body to boost height.
  • Center yourself – Find balance point in the air and avoid shifting sideways.
  • Aim wheels – Point front wheel at the transition or landing zone and resist overturning the bars.
  • Absorb landing – On touchdown, bend joints to cushion impact without locking arms or legs.
  • Land both wheels – Strive to contact ground with both tires at the same time to distribute forces.

Use your legs as shocks to smoothly load jumps and land stable. Let the bike move beneath you.

Bike Control

Fundamental bike handling skills also translate to riding an eMTB:

  • Lower tire pressure – Run them a bit soft for increased traction and cushion without pinch flatting.
  • Straighten arms – Extend arms slightly to stabilize on rough, chattery descents at speed. Don’t lock elbows.
  • Look through turns – Focus gaze on exit point to ride out of corners smoothly.
  • Feather controls – Make light pedal and brake inputs. Don’t jerk the bike around.
  • Drop heels – Point toes downward to keep weight centered on pedals when standing.
  • Full range of motion – Use your entire body as a suspension system to absorb bumps.

Good overall bike form maximizes both control and reduces fatigue over long rides. Remember the fundamentals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the best technique for climbing steep hills on an eMTB?

Shift your weight rearward to keep the front wheel grounded. Use a lower assist power mode and stand periodically to engage different muscles. Maintain a steady pedaling cadence. Let the motor do the hard work!

How can I build confidence descending on my eMTB?

Control speed by braking earlier into turns and sections. Lower your saddle height and keep your body weight centered between the wheels, not shifted forward. Stay relaxed and allow the bike to move beneath you.

What’s the proper cornering technique for eMTBs?

Look through the entire turn to the exit point and lean the bike under you subtly. Maintain consistent pedaling and avoid braking through the corner. Pick entrance lines that allow wide, swooping arcs.

What should I do when hitting obstacles on my eMTB?

Keep a light grip on the bars and your joints bent to absorb impacts. Maintain momentum rolling up to obstacles, then let the wheels ride up and over them. Stay balanced centered on the bike and avoid abrupt inputs.

Any tips for riding loose gravel or muddy trails on an eMTB?

Don’t make sudden changes in speed. Stay centered over the bike without shifting forward or back. Look ahead and let the tires find the traction. Go easy on the brakes and throttle until past the loose section.


Riding an eMTB calls for honing specialized techniques to handle the extra capability and power output compared to a traditional mountain bike. Learning proper climbing, descending, cornering, jumps and basic bike control skills maximizes both efficiency and fun on your electric mountain bike.

Practice keeping a light touch on the controls, using your body weight to absorb terrain, and looking ahead to pick ideal lines. On ascents, rely on lower assist modes and steady pedaling. Descending requires more gradual braking and staying centered. Work on linking smooth corners carrying momentum.

Mastering these essential eMTB riding tips will help you find the flow and prevent fighting the bike. You’ll improve handling, tackle more technical terrain with finesse, and boost riding confidence. Just remember: do your climbing with the motor, descending with the brakes, and let the tires and momentum handle the rest!